Nazarene Missions International

One of the most important and basic principles that Jesus taught us is that we need to serve the Lord, God our Father and to serve one another. Jesus demonstrated this time and time again through scripture, parables, and commands; but most importantly He taught us to serve through his life. In fact, the last conversation Jesus has with Peter deals with servanthood, as he tells Peter to "... feed His sheep ...". It is incredible to think that our Lord and Master would get on His hands and knees and wash the disciples feet; but what else would one do Who loves us so much.

Jesus knew that each one of us had been hand created by the Father and were very important to Him. We need not concern ourselves with our differences, but instead, get on our hands and knees and serve one another with love and compassion just as our wonderful Master has done with us.

If you are searching for God's will in your life, start out by asking the Father to open your eyes so that you may be sensitive to the needs of others. One thing you can be assured of is that God's will for you is to serve one another. It is awesome to think that God would choose to work through His children to reach His children; if you want to experience the Love of God, love His children without exception.

Below is a little of what our church's mission deparment is involved in: